3 Things A Mold Inspector Will Check For
If you have found mold in your home, the idea of hiring a mold inspector might initially sound a little strange. You've already located the mold — why would you need an inspector? As it turns out, mold inspectors can do a lot more than simply figure out where the mold is. Here are several other things a mold inspector can look for and tell you.
The Source of the Moisture
Where there is mold, there is moisture. Figuring out where the moisture is coming from, however, is not always easy. Most mold inspectors have a lot of experience with housing construction overall, and as such, they can figure out the source of the moisture that is causing your mold. The source could be a leak in the roof, a crack in the foundation, or even a leaky joint in one of your pipes. A mold inspector won't fix the problem, but they will show you what problem you need to have fixed — and they can probably recommend a good contractor to do the fixing. By addressing the source of the moisture, you can get rid of the mold for good.
Mold Spore Count
The inspector will likely also have equipment that takes a sample of the air and measures the concentration of mold spores in the air. This can tell you a few things. First of all, it can let you know how much mold you likely have growing. If the mold spore count is really high but you can only see a little mold, then this lets the inspector know they should be looking for more mold elsewhere. It also lets you know whether you can get by with just installing a good air filter to clean the air or whether running an air cleaner is necessary.
Hidden Mold Growth
Mold often grows in places that you can't readily see. So even though you can see mold on the basement walls, for instance, this does not indicate that there is not also mold in some less visible area, such as between the walls on the first floor or under one of the floors. A mold inspector knows what areas to check based on the layout of the home and possible sources of moisture. Their report will ensure you treat all of the mold, and not just the mold that you can readily see. This leads to more effective mold abatement.
Contact a mold inspection service for more information.